
The seminar series consists of nine one-day seminars across three years. Attendance is free, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Registration is required. All seminars are hosted by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK and take place at the University of Warwick.

THEME 1: What is the state-of-the-art in complexity method?

The goal of the first year (2014) is to survey the field of complexity methods and to address the issue of quantification and the value of qualitative methods and metaphorical approaches to complexity research. The tentative titles are:

1. What are You Working on? Employing the state-of-the-art in complexity method
Date: Friday 21 February 2014

2. My Kingdom for a Function: Or, what is gained by quantifying complex social science research?
Date: Friday 9 May 2014

3. Qualitative Complexity? The value of metaphor and qualitative method in complexity [spacer height=”5px”]Date Friday 7 November 2014


THEME 2: The different approaches to complexity 

The goal of the second year (2015) is to further explore the different approaches to complexity science. The three tentative seminar titles are:

4. Policy, Applications, Mixed-Methods and Complexity 
Date: Friday 20 Feb 2015

5. Epistemology of Methods and Complexity[spacer height=”1px”]Date: Friday 8 May 2015

6. Change and Method
Date: Friday 6 Nov 2015[spacer height=”25px”]

THEME 3: Putting it all together

The goal of the third year (2016) is to foster further collaboration, publish and share results, develop curricular recommendations for improving the teaching of complexity method; and outline a methodological agenda for the social sciences. The three tentative titles are:

7. Tbc: Creating a complexity toolkit: Complex methods for Social scientists[spacer height=”2px”]Date: Friday 19 Feb 2016 – tbc

8. Tbc: Complexity Methods and  pedagogy: Policy recommendations for improving how students are taught complexity methods
Date: Friday 6 May 2016 – tbc

9. Tbc: The future of complexity and method? Where is the state-of-the-art in complexity method heading?[spacer height=”2px”]Date: Friday 4 Nov 2016 – tbc