There are so many resources out there on food! This list consists of some of the main ones that were considered useful in this particular study. Most take a sociological approach to food. The list was compiled in 2009/10 and needs updating, but may be useful nonetheless, which is why it is included here.
Allen, G. (2007) The Business of Food. Greenwood Press.
Anderson, E.N. (2005) Everyone Eats: Understanding Food and Culture, New York University Press.
Andrews, G. (2008) The Slow Food Story, Pluto Press.
Arnott, Margaret L. (1975) Gastronomy. The Anthropology of Food and Food Habits. Mouton Publishers, Aldine, Chicago.
Ashley, B. (2004) et al. Food and Cultural Studies, Routledge.
Atkins, P.J. & Bowler, I.R. (2001) Food in Society: Economy, Culture, Geography, Arnold.
Atkins, P.J. (28 Jun 2007) Food and the City in Europe Since 1800. Ashgate.
Avakian, A.V. & Haber, B. (2005) (eds.)From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Barling, D. (2004) Food agencies as an institutional response to policy failure by the UK and the EU. Qualities of Food: 108-128.
Barnes, D.R. (30 Sep 2002) Matters of Taste, Syracuse University Press.
Basiotis, P.P. (1991) Estimated Income, Age, and Selected Demographic Characteristics Elasticities for Food Groups from Usdas 1985 and 1986 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Proceedings – 37th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests: 286-292.
Beardsworth, A. & Keil, T. (1996) Sociology on the Menu: An Invitation to the Study of Food and Society, Routledge.
Belasco, W.J. & Scranton P. (2008) (eds.) Food Studies. Berg Publishers.
Belasco, W.J. (2001) Food Nations. Routledge, New York.
Belasco, W.J. (2002) ‘Food Matters: Perspectives on an Emerging Field’ in Food Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies, New York: Routledge.
Belasco, W.J. (2006) Meals to Come: A History of the Future of Food, University of California Press.
Belasco, W.J. (2008) Food: The Key Concepts, Berg.
Belasco, W.J. & Scranton, P. (2002) (eds.) Food and Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies. New York: Routledge.
Belasco, W.J. (2006) Meals to Come: A History of the Future of Food. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Belasco, W.J. (2006) Appetite for Change: How the Counterculture Took On the Food Industry. Second update edition. Oxford: Berg.
Belfield, T. (2002) “Food for thought … it’s now time to talk.” Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 28(2): 57-57.
Bell , D. (28 Mar 2006) Historicizing Lifestyle. Ashgate.
Bentley, A. (2001) “Inventing Baby Food: Gerber and the Discourse of Infancy in the United States” in W.J. Belasco and P. Scranton (eds.) ‘Food Nations’, pp.92-112. Routledge: New York.
Bentley, A. (1998) Eating for Victory: Food Rationing and the Politics of Domesticity. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1998.
Beriss, D. & Sutton, D. (2007) eds. The Restaurants Book: Ethnographies of Where We Eat. Oxford: Berg.
Bilson, G. (2006) Plenty: Digressions on Food. Camberwell: Penguin.
Blackman, J. (1966) ‘Changing Marketing Methods and Food Consumption’, in T. C. Barker, J. C. McKenzie and J. Yudin (eds.), Our Changing Fare, London: Macgibbon & Kee.
Blythman, J. (05 Jun 2006) Bad Food Britain. Fourth Estate Ltd.
Brody, G. H., Stoneman, Z. et al. (1981) “Television Food Commercials Aimed at Children, Family Grocery Shopping, and Mother-Child Interactions.” FamilyRelations 30(3): 435-439.
Burnett, J. (28 Jun 2004) England Eats Out. Longman.
Cagle, W. (1999) A Matter of Taste. Oak Knoll Press: New Castle.
Camporesi, P. (1989) Bread of Dreams: Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Caplan, P. (01 Dec 2008) The Anthropology of Food. Berg Publishers.
Caplan, P. (1993) Feasts, Fasts, Famine: Food for Thought, Berg.
Caplan, P. (1997) Approaches to the study of food, health and identity, in: P. Caplan (Ed.) Food, health and identity ( London, Routledge).
*Caplan, P. (ed) (1997), Food, health, and identity Routledge.
Carroll, P. & Pace, C. (1999) “Food service offers menu of cost savings.” HospMaterManage 24(11): 2, 12-4.
Charles, N. & Kerr, M. (1988) Women, food, and Families, Manchester University Press; Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin’s Press.
Cheung, S. (01 Feb 2004) The Globalization of Chinese Food. Routledge.
Civitello, L. (04 Apr 2007) Cuisine and Culture. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Coff, C. (2006) The Taste for Ethics: An Ethic of Food Consumption. Dordrecht: Springer.
Condrasky, M. & Warmin, D. et al.(2008) “Building the case for healthy menus.” Food Technology 62(6): 46.
*Counihan, C. (1999) The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and Power, New York: Routledge.
Counihan, C. & Van Esterik, P. (1997) Food and Culture: A Reader (first edition) New York: Routledge.
Counihan, C. & Van Esterik, P. eds. (2008) Food and Culture: A Reader (second edition). New York: Routledge.
Courtwright, D.D. (2001) F orces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World. Cambridge MA: Harvard University.
Coveney, J. (2006) Food, Morals, and Meaning: The Pleasure and Anxiety of Eating, Routledge, New York.
Dietler, M. & Hayden, B. (2001) Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, Smithsonian Institution Press.
Dolphijn, R. (2004) Foodscapes: Toward a Deleuzian Ehtics of Consumption. Delft: Eburon Publishers.
Douglas , M. (1975) ‘Deciphering a meal’. In Implicit Meanings, Mary Douglas
(ed.), pp. 249-275; and In Food and Culture: A Reader, Counihan and Van Esterik (eds), pp.36-54.
Douglas , M. (1984) ed. Food in the Social Order: Studies of Food and Festivities in Three American Communities.
Douglas, M. (1982) In the Active Voice, Mary Douglas, Routledge & K. Paul.
Farb, P. & Armelagos. (1980) Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Fieldhouse, P. (1986), Food and nutrition: customs and culture, Chapman and Hall.
Fine, B., Heasman, M. & Wright, J. (1996) Consumption in the Age of Affluence: The World of Food, Routledge, New York.
Fleischhacker, S., Cason, K.L. et al. (2006) “You had peas today?”: A pilot study comparing a head start child-care center’s menu with the actual food served.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106(2): 277-280.
Freeman, J. (2004) The Making of the Modern Kitchen: A Cultural History. Oxford: Berg.
Freedman, P. (2007) Food: The History of Taste. London: Thames & Hudson.
Fuerst, E.L. et al. (1991) (eds.) Palatable Worlds: Sociocultural Food Studies, Solum Forlag.
Gabaccia, D.R. (1998) We Are What We Eat: Ethnic Food and the Making of Americans. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
Garine, I.d. & Garine, V.d. (2001) (eds.) Drinking : Anthropological Approaches, Berghahn Books.
Garland, P. (2004) Food for thought: Writings 1988-2002, Peter Garland, Frog Peak.
Geissler, C. & Oddy, D.J. (1993) (eds.) Food, Diet, and Economic Change Past and Present, edited by Catherine Geissler and Derek J. Oddy, Leicester University Press; Distributed in the US and Canada by St. Martin’s Press.
George, S. & Paige, N. (1982) Food for Beginners: Writers and Readers, Danbury, CT.
Germov, J. & Williams, L. (1999) (eds) A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: Introducing the Social Appetite. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Gigante, D. (2005) Taste: A Literary History. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Goody, J. (1983) Cooking, Cuisine and Class: A Study in Comparative Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gould, R., Russell, J. et al. (2006) “School lunch menus and 11 to 12 year old children’s food choice in three secondary schools in England – are the nutritional standards being met?” Appetite 46(1): 86-92.
Grammenidis, S. P. (2008) “Mediating Culinary Culture: the Case of Greek Restaurant Menus.” Across Languages and Cultures 9(2): 219-233.
Grew, R. (1999) (ed.) Food in Global History. Boulder: Westview Press.
Haddad, L. (2003) “No Longer off the Menu: The Welcome Re-Emergence of food on the Nutrition Agenda.” Forum Nutr 56: 383-5.
Hasegawa, K. (01 Jan 2009) New Research on Food Habits. Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Harris, M. (1985) Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture, Marvin Harris, Simon and Schuster.
Harriss-White, B. & Hoffenberg, R. (1994) Food: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Barbara Harriss-White and Sir Raymond Hoffenberg, Blackwell.
Harvey, M., McMeekin, A. & Warde, A. (2004) (eds) Qualities of Food. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Heasman, M. (Dec 1999) Future Food. The Caroline Walker Trust.
Hicks, P. (08 May 2008) Food and Rations. Hodder Wayland.
Holt, G. & Reed, M. (2006) eds. Sociological Perspectives of Organic Agriculture: From Pioneer to Policy. Oxford: CABI International, 2006.
Horwood, J., Heimann, C. & Theimaginarybody (2006) Food, created by Theimaginarybody ; script by Joel Horwood and Christopher Heimann, Nick Hern Books.
Inglis, D., Gimlin, D. & Thorp, C. (eds.) (2007) Food, Routledge.
Jeter, K. (1993) “Wedding Rings and Take out Food – Early Human Mobility Ritualized in Later Human Pilgrimage.” Marriage and Family Review 19(3-4): 379-400.
Jones, M. (2007) Feast: Why Humans Share Food, Martin Jones, Oxford University Press.
Julier, A. P. (1998) “Consumption, food and taste.” Contemporary Sociology-a Journal of Reviews 27(2): 203-206.
Jutte, R. (2005) History of the Senses: from antiquity to cyberspace. Trans. James Lynn. Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA, USA: Polity.
Kasperek, S. (2008) “Eat smart in Sicily: How to decipher the menu, know the market foods & embark on a tasting adventure.” Library Journal 133(14): 147-147.
Katz, S.E. (2006) The Revolution Will Not Be Mircrowaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements. Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Kemmer, D. (2000) Tradition and change in domestic roles and food preparation, Sociology,
Kenney, C. T. (2008) “Father doesn’t know best? Parents’ control of money and children’s food insecurity.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 70(3): 654-669.
Kincheloe, J.L. (2002) The Sign of the Burger: McDonald’s and the Culture of Power. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Kintner, M., Boss, P.G. et al. (1981) “The Relationship between Dysfunctional Family Environments and Family Member Food-Intake.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 43(3): 633-641.
Kjaernes, U., Warde, A. et al. (2006) “Politicising consumer trust in food: A socio-institutional explanation to variations in trust.” Ethics and the Politics of Food: 162-166.
Korsmeyer, C. (2005) (ed.). The Taste Culture Reader: Experiencing Food and Drink. Oxford: Berg.
Korsmeyer, C. (1999) Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Korthals, M. (2004) Before Dinner: Philosophy and Ethics of Food. Dordrecht: Springer.
Kozup, J. C., E. H. Creyer, et al. (2003) “Making healthful food choices: The influence of health claims and nutrition information on consumers’ evaluations of packaged food products and restaurant menu items.” Journal of Marketing 67(2): 19-34.
Kulick, D, & Meneley, A. (2005) eds. Fat: The Anthropology of an Obsession. New York: Penguin.
Lang, T. & Millstone, E. (2003) The Penguin Atlas of Food: Who Easts What, Where, and Why. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Leberman, H. & Jacobi, D. (2003) “PPC: food and drink on the menu.” Tce(747): 41-42.
Lee, B. J., Mackey-Bilaver, L. et al. (2003) “The patterns of food stamp and WIC participation under welfare reform.” Children and Youth Services Review 25(8): PII S0190-7409(03)00055-0.
Lee, H. J. & Chern, W. S. (1991) “Effects of Different Income Sources on Food Expenditures.” Proceedings – 37th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests: 236-242.
Lentz, C. (1991) Changing Food Habits: An Introduction Changing Food Habits: Case Studies From Africa, South America, And Europe. Food and Foodways. 5(1): 1
Levi-Strauss, C. (1964) The Raw and The Cooked. (see his essay in Counihan and Van Esterik eds.).
Levi-Strauss, C. (1978) The Origin of Table Manners.
Lin, J. (1991) “Consumer Food Attribute Perceptions and Consumption Behavior.” Proceedings – 37th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests: 243-248.
Livingstone, M.B.E. (1995) “Assessment of Food Intakes – Are We Measuring What People Eat.” British Journal of Biomedical Science 52(1): 58-67.
Lovegren, S. (2005) Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lupton, D. (1996) Food, the body, and the self, Sage Publications.
Lupton, Deborah. (1994) “Food, Memory and Meaning: The Symbolic and Social Nature of Food Events,” Sociological Review 42, 4:665-85.
Macbeth, H. (2004) Research Methods in Food. Berghahn Books.
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Macbeth, H.M. & MacClancy, J. (2004) (eds.) Researching Food Habits: Methods and Problems, Berghahn.
Mahoney, M. & Royal Court, T. (2003) Food chain, Oberon Books.
Manning, D.H. (1974) Society and Food.
Mark, J. & Strange, R. (1993) The Food Industries, Chapman & Hall.
Marsden, T. (2004) “Theorising food quality: Some key issues in understanding its competitive production and regulation.” Qualities of Food: 129-155.
Martens, L. & Warde, A. (1997) Urban Pleasure? On the Meaning of Eating Out in a Northern City, in Caplan, P ed, Food, Identity and Health, Routledge, London, 1997, 131-150.
Maurer, D. (31 Dec 1995) Eating Agendas. AldineTransaction.
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