
Data capture and analytics

Issuecrawler Hyperlink analysis to detect issue networks.
TCAT DMI Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset
Google Scrapers Repurposing Google for research, keyword resonance, for Google Web, News, Blog & Image search
Twitter Scraper Scraper data from Twitter. Only retrieves data from the last 14 days
Navicrawler Brower plugin for custom scraping
Issue Geographer Geo-locates issue crawler results on a world map.
Like Scraper Retrieves Facebook activities (likes, shares & comments) related to URL list

Text analytics

Open Calais Detects relevant words and phrases in texts or websites
Co-Word Analysis Detects occurances of co-words and maps related terms on a co-word map. Under development.
Twitter Co-Word Creates tweet collections and analyses them for co-word occurances. Under development
ANTA Text network analysis software
Discover Text Text analysis and categorisation platform. Allows to automatically implement data from various platforms.


Gephi Graph/Networks visualisation. Allows the manipulation of structures, shapes and colors, and can visualise graphs over time
Raw Data visualization framework. Allows to visualise 20+ different chart styles from structured data
Tagxedo Word cloud generator. Allows to manually clean and adjust data
Worlde Word cloud generator
Dorling Map Generator Visualises proportions through relatively sized bubbles
Bubble Lines Visualises proportion through relatively sized bubbles
Many Eyes Visualisation Application

Support Tools

Google Refine Data cleaning and organisation application